Yorkshire & The Humber Libertas candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the Yorkshire and The Humber region:

Friday, 22 May 2009

Edward Devoy

My name is Edward Devoy and I am the Libertas candidate for Yorkshire and Humberside in the European elections on June 4th later this year.

In order that you can make an informed decision at the ballot box, here are a few facts about myself and my political beliefs.

I was born in Dublin and was raised in Barnsley. As a disabled ex-miner struggling to survive on benefits I have fought continuously for myself and many others for a fairer and more equitable system free from red tape and unnecessary bureaucracy and means testing which is more about the exclusion of the needy rather than inclusion into the mainstream of society. I particularly hate the injustice and corruption that pervades politics from local authorities through to the Government.

I am a voluntary worker and political activist. I have five children and seven grandchildren and I firmly believe that Libertas is our only hope to achieve Democracy in a Europe that at present is the total antithesis of the original dream of Jean Monet.

It is corrupt beyond belief and controlled by an elite set of politicians and bureaucrats who's only interest is self interest.

They are totally secretive, totally non-transparent and worst of all totally unaccountable.

Democracy to them is rule by the elite for the elite.

It is time for we the people to re-instate Democracy, rule by the people for the people.

My dream for a future Europe is that it will be a haven of peace and prosperity for all of it's people regardless of Nationality, with the hope that differences and diversity between us will add to our strengths and not our weaknesses.

Libertas with your help can make this dream a reality.

So what are Libertas' and my priorities?

To make all the bureaucrats elected and non-elected individually accountable. Working to eliminate corruption.

To make sure that only elected officials create new laws, for and on behalf of the people.
Full transparency. You will be able to see first hand what money is being spent in your name and what on.

You will have full access to all MEP's voting records , you will be able to see first hand if your elected representative is working for you.

All I ask is that on June 4th you give us a chance, if you don't like what we do then sack us at the next election.

If you are happy with the way Europe is run then continue to vote for the party you always vote for. If however you believe Europe requires radical change, then vote for yourself vote for Libertas.

Give us the chance to create a Europe united in peace and prosperity, a lasting legacy for our children and our children's children.

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