Yorkshire & The Humber Libertas candidates

These are your Libertas candidates for the Yorkshire and The Humber region:

Friday, 22 May 2009

Stephen Clark

Hello, my name is Stephen Clark and I’m the Libertas candidate for the constituency of Yorkshire & Humberside in the European elections on June 4th later this year. I thought I should tell you a bit about myself to help you make an informed decision in the ballot box.

I’m fighting in this election because I’m really concerned about the UK government's ratification of the EU constitution without a referendum or any consultation with the people as they promised is democratically wrong. I believe the pressure to conform from the EU elitists in Europe to a weak and listless UK government became too much to bear, then to capitulate to a body that is so distant and unaccountable to the people it is supposed to serve is not democratic and definitely not British. But I do believe in Europe, passionately. I think it’s time that we – the people – reform and renew Europe ourselves. And now, in these times of global uncertainties, it is more critical than ever before that we Must Change.

I am a Business Analyst, born and living in Leeds, and Yorkshire. My Wife is a hard working manager in the retail sector our family has grown and flown the nest and we currently enjoy spending time with our two grandchildren. For the first 25 years of my working life I was involved in the motor trade at various levels rising from master technician through to technical training design and delivery to bespoke blue chip clients throughout the world, my main occupation over the last few years has been within the largest financial services provider in the UK as a business analyst so I have seen the recent financial downturn effects on businesses and people at first hand. I understand the pressures the recession is putting on hard-working families all over Yorkshire and the UK. And being in touch with real people with my work over the years has given me the tools and experience to stand up and advocate for others, especially those who can’t fight for themselves.

My Parents are both elderly and are fighting illness and bureaucracy every living day.

I regularly visit my parents to help out with everyday tasks and shopping, however the provision of clear help and advice from the local authorities and healthcare providers saddens me immensely; I think Europe could help more with elderly issues as this is not just a UK problem but universal as the average age of the EU population continues to rise. I am also very keen on tackling environmental issues in a practical, sustainable way which will be our lasting legacy to our children and grandchildren. As we have seen recently the total misuse of resources and position every day by UK and EU politicians and hear comments about the selfishness, greed, and disrespect the modern MP's seem to display today, what more incentive could a normal law abiding taxpaying citizen have to help see and implement real change in politics starting with Europe.. This has provided me with the impetus I needed to help forge a society that cares, a society that treats its elderly, the environment and each other with the respect and the humility deserved in this modern age.

I would like to see the people of Yorkshire & Humberside reunited with the undoubting confidence of knowing that the people they entrust with their votes will work hard fighting for issues that affect them personally, in the businesses where they work and that affect our great county.

All of these experiences have fed into my decision to stand for the European Parliament in 2009.

So what are Libertas’ and my priorities?

Because I believe that democracy is one of the core values that unites ALL Europeans, Libertas will make the EU truly open and accountable like never before. We want to publicise the way decisions are made and who makes them, we want Europe to have constitutional referendums so that we can make Europe work for us.

Because the economy is in an unprecedented mess, Libertas and I (if elected) will ensure that EVERY penny spent by Europe demonstrates value-for-money, in order that we can safeguard our financial future, and that of our children.

Because Europe has been run in secrecy by élites and bureaucrats that are simply unknown to most people, I want to be part of a grassroots movement that gives Europe back to its people.

Europe Must Change.

That is why I ask you to vote for me and the new, pan-European party Libertas on June 4th.

Thank you,

Stephen Clark.

1 comment:

  1. i think that this man is a prime candidate to turn this current economic decline around!
